Sunday, December 27, 2009

Where can I get a tutorial on making a simple computer operating system?

I'm very interested in learning how an operating system is developed. I have tried some open source Operating Systems but I cannot understand them if I don't have a manual or something to tell me what happens when. Please tell me where can I find those tutorial. THANK YOU very much!Where can I get a tutorial on making a simple computer operating system?
Have a play with Ubuntu Linux. That will teach you a bit about the intricacies of an Operating System.

You could also look in to doing a Computer Science degree.Where can I get a tutorial on making a simple computer operating system?
You can read about it sure,,,,but a class is better. But even then, learning the courses before that class will allow you to understand it better.
An Operating Systems Vade Mecum, Second Edition

Author : Raphael A. Finkel, Computer Science Department, University of Kentucky

Publication Date : 1988

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