Sunday, December 27, 2009

Where can i get great info like tutorials and stuff to help a beginner in computer science?鈥?/a>Where can i get great info like tutorials and stuff to help a beginner in computer science?
I find Tek-Tips,, a great help.

Computer science is such an encompassing subject - coding, hardware, networking, protocols, software applications etc.

It's better to look into the aspects you're interested in then work it from there.

Good luck ;)Where can i get great info like tutorials and stuff to help a beginner in computer science?
I really depends on the language you wish to start with. If you begin with HTML then you can find plenty of web resources to help you get started, however if you are doing application development in languages such as C++ or Visual Basic, etc. then you would likely be better off buying a good book - use for reviews.

If you are going the C# route there are great learning resources here:鈥?/a>

Another great site for development with Windows languages (VC++, VB, C#, ASP.NET, etc) is - their examples are sorted by difficulty (although you would still want a book to help you get started with the basics).
u see the website tutorials section . u must be a member to see that section . it is free membership.or see

www.freecomputerbooks.combest of luck for brighter future in CS

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