Sunday, December 27, 2009

How can i make my tutorials for youtube, it feels wierd talking to the computer?

when i try to make a tutorial its really hard because if my mum comes in and askes me, if feels weird, so i try to do it in secret, but it just real hard,

how else can i do it

my yt account can i make my tutorials for youtube, it feels wierd talking to the computer?
I know what you mean, my mom walked in once when I was trying to make a tutorial for something and she was like are you talking to yourself?

You just have to get used to talking into the camera, just pretend you are giving a presentation. And yea it's best to do it when you are alone. It only feels weird, but doesn't look weird to other people when they will watch it on youtube, trust me.How can i make my tutorials for youtube, it feels wierd talking to the computer?
i felt the same but now i have had my youtube account for a week or so and im starting to get used to it!

my account

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