Sunday, December 27, 2009

What are some good tutorials for computer animation and portfolio making?

Any tutorials would be really helpful, thanks!What are some good tutorials for computer animation and portfolio making?
Thats a really broad question.

What kind of animation?

3-D (Maya, 3d Studio Max, Lightwave, Cinema 4d, etc...)

2-D (Flash, After Effects, etc...)

What kind of portfolio?

Art/ Animation?

:)What are some good tutorials for computer animation and portfolio making?
sorry to be so late to respond. Maya is the industry standard for 3D. If you haven't learned any program yet choose Maya. As for 2D I dont know what they use in the industry. I know Flash is popular.

However 3D takes a LONG time to get even remotely good at. Report Abuse

If your just trying to quickly create a portfolio for a school application I wouldnt bother with it. Just focus on your strengths (drawing, painting, sculpting). If you have no art experience and you are looking to get in to it I would buy a Maya book and get the program and start tinkering. Report Abuse

It takes a long time.

Dont worry youll get it just keep trying. Google Free Maya tutorials I bet you get 1000's of results.

:) Report Abuse

But taking a class would be your best bet.... but it will be far from free. Report Abuse

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