Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Where can I find websites that offer tutorials for teaching basic computer skills?

I am volunteering for a non profit domestic violence shelter and many of the women who go through the shelter have no computer skills. I'd like to put together a Intro to Basic computers one on one training sessions. I don't want reinvent the wheel by creating my own tutorial. Where can I find one already done that I can download and print for free?Where can I find websites that offer tutorials for teaching basic computer skills?
hp.com offer a lot of free training, (go to the Home and Office link and then click on free training) also in most of the courses you can download a pdf file for the course. Maybe you can contact hp and they will help you out to provide you with these training manuals, and maybe, maybe... they can give you some equipment to help the shelter. You never know. Good luck!Where can I find websites that offer tutorials for teaching basic computer skills?
This site has a list to some eBooks that cover basic computing topics:


Just choose an eBook format, download and print it.
well if you have a dell than somewhere on it there is an application that you can watch or read that tells you alot about computers. then you can sift throught it and make a powerpiont presentation. that would be the easiest way to present it!

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