Sunday, December 27, 2009

I need some obscure text in latin for use in software tutorials for a computer club.Can someone help please?

The tiger (Panthera tigris) is a mammal of the Felidae family, the largest of four ';big cats'; in the Panthera genus. Native to much of eastern and southern Asia, the tiger is an apex predator and an obligate carnivore. Reaching up to 4 metres (13 feet) in total length and weighing up to 300 kg (660 pounds), tigers are comparable in size to the biggest extinct felids. Aside from their great bulk and power, their most recognizable feature is the pattern of dark vertical stripes that overlays near-white to reddish-orange fur, with lighter underparts.I need some obscure text in latin for use in software tutorials for a computer club.Can someone help please?
* N.B. Change “v” to “u” in “cvm”.


Tigris (Panthera tigris) est mammale familiae Felidae, maximaque inter quartas “magnas feles” Pantherae generis. Habitans multum Asiae orientalis et meridionalis, tigris necessitate carnivorus praedator optimus est. Quibus cvm totius longitudinis sint usque ad metra IV (pedes XIII) ac ponderis usque ad chiliogramma CCC (libras DCLX), possunt tigres pares maximis antiquis felidis aestimari. Praeter magnitudinem fortitudinemque, species quippe notissima est pellis, quae exemplo fuscarum virgarum derectarum imposito, cvm pallidiore abdomine, inter albulium et rubeoflavium variat colore.


I tried to stay as close to the original English as possible. Let me know if you have any questions.

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